• Shift the energy....Change your life, quickly, easily and miraculously now!

    Everything is Energy Yes you, your loved ones and animals all respond quickly and easily to Energy Medicine's Miraculous Full Spectrum Frequencies for improved health, peace, success, prosperity, happiness and


    Harmonic Energy Success System for

    People, Animals, Business, Prosperity, Relationships, Family, Children, Health and Home

    Quick and easy we connect over the phone and your soul receives the energy and I share the reading with you.

  • Hello & Welcome!

    Energy is Everything, vibrating atoms and molecules that can be transformed

  • Easily and miraculously stand in your wholeneness and happiness.

    Quantum energy is capable of creating change on a molecular, atomic and cellular level that propels you quickly and easily into self love, acceptance, peace, health, prosperity, joy and more.

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    Long distance or in person it is powerful and evolutionary. with ease and grace.

    All you do is relax and say yes and our higher selves connect and know exactly what needs to be returned to perfection; physically, mentally, spiritually and in all areas of your life, this is for the brave and strong that desire fast and powerful change with alignment into their true self in in miraclous ways.

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    Options and ad on's include soul readings, life and spiritual guidance/coaching, card reading, body work/massage, yoga, individual/family/couples counseling and sound frequency tuning with the chrystal harp.

    This also works well with pets and children clearing and healing trauma, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, and self esteem, etc.

    Everything is energy, atoms are 99.9% empty space that is the quantum field of miracles, magic and abundance...Our bodies are made of trillions of atoms... yet we are only 1% physical... it's totally mind blowing. Lighten up and feel the freedom of knowing who you really are and become infinite again and own your power, grace, love, strength, abilities, gifts, relationships, health, vitality, success and innate intelligence. Allow me the privilege to open the door and be your guide to your inner kingdom of infinite love, wisdom, abundance, grace and miracles.

  • Services

    Connect with me for more info and more in depth description and to ask questions. 847-363-3700

  • Contact Us

    Namastacy - 847-363-3700

    Tampa. florida 33606